English version

Hey you! How are you doing? Is everything fine or are you tired and burnt-out? Today is your lucky day. Because no matter how you feel today, this is a place of joy.

My name is Noanna and my dream is to bring joy and encourage people with my music. I hope people will be  touched by my music and lyrics, find recognition and be empowered to endure the challenges life brings.

Many women my age are very disappointed when they look in the mirror of their souls. They hear others say, “You are unique and you are beautiful.” But it does not get through enough. Even if you hear it from many people, they cannot make you believe anything. You are the one who has the key to learning to love yourself unconditionally.

To breathe, enjoy and live in complete freedom that’s what many people want, but how can they achieve?  I would like to take you with me on a journey. Listen to my songs and dare to share your story with me and others. I like to hear your story and I like to let you enjoy my music.